Refining Salary Benchmarks for Consulting: The Essential Role of Job Matching

Job matching for salary benchmarking

Accurate job matching is a critical step in salary benchmarking and setting pay ranges. It goes beyond simply comparing job titles; it involves a thorough examination of the tasks, responsibilities, skills and qualifications required for each role to ensure that the positions being compared are truly aligned. Without this precision, compensation structures can become inconsistent, leading to issues such as overpaying or underpaying employees, internal dissatisfaction, and difficulties in attracting and retaining top talent.

Why Accurate Job Matching Matters

Getting roles aligned when salary benchmarking is especially important in the consulting sector due to the complex and varied nature of consulting roles. Consultants often work across different client industries, each with unique demands, and their responsibilities may shift depending on the project, client, or region. This makes it critical to go beyond surface-level job titles and ensure a deep understanding of the specific tasks & responsibilities as well as experience and expertise required for each position. Accurately aligning the roles to be compared in a benchmarking exercise (i.e. job matching) also:

  1. Ensures fair compensation: When roles are accurately matched, organizations can set salaries that reflect the actual work being done. This prevents disparities that could arise from comparing roles that aren’t equivalent in scope or responsibility.
  2. Reduces pay inequities: Proper job matching helps maintain equity by ensuring that employees with particular responsibilities and skills are compensated at similar rates across markets. This fosters a sense of fairness and reduces the risk of pay-related grievances.
  3. Enhances talent retention: Competitive and fair compensation is key to retaining top talent. When job matching is done accurately, organizations can better align their pay scales with the market, not just across broader levels, but also at more granular sub-levels. This ensures that existing incumbents are paid exactly what they deserve, while attracting the right candidates to the role.
  4. Supports strategic decision-making: Accurate job matching provides reliable data that can be used to make informed decisions about salary adjustments, promotions, and workforce planning.

Key Principles for Accurate Job Matching

At Vencon Research, we don’t see job matching as an extra; it's at the heart of how we benchmark salaries. By prioritizing this process and working closely with our clients, we help ensure that compensation structures are fair, competitive, and aligned with the realities of the market. This level of detail is what sets us apart and helps our clients stay ahead in attracting and retaining talent. Key principle in our methodology are:

  1. Focus on tasks & responsibilities, not titles: Job titles can be misleading, as the same title might encompass different responsibilities across companies. The focus should be on what the job actually entails—its core duties, the level of decision-making required, and the tasks, responsibilities and skills necessary to perform the role.
  2. Consider experience and skills: Beyond responsibilities, the experience and skills needed for a role should be closely examined. This ensures that comparisons are made between roles that require similar levels of expertise.
  3. Use a tiered approach: Grouping roles into tiers based on their level of responsibility and impact within the organization can help standardize the job matching process. This makes it easier to compare similar roles across different industries and companies.
  4. Engage in collaborative analysis: Job matching shouldn’t be a one-sided process. Engaging multiple stakeholders—such as HR professionals, hiring managers, and industry experts—can provide a more comprehensive view of the role and ensure that all relevant factors are considered.
  5. Keep market trends in mind: The job market is dynamic, and roles evolve over time. Regularly updating job matching criteria to reflect current trends in responsibilities and required skills is essential for maintaining accuracy.

Defining Career Progression and Levels

Our career progression structure reflects a transparent roadmap from entry-level Analysts to Partners. Matching participant firms’ own job levels to this structure serves as the foundation for accurate salary benchmarks. Mis-leveling a role can lead to significant discrepancies in pay so ensuring that roles are placed at the correct level is crucial. When incorporating a participant firm for our benchmarking surveys, we analyse the firm’s roles and find the appropriate match across 15 individual sublevels in order to structure in line with a standard 5 level / 15 sublevel output. Alternatively, we adjust to an output that reflects their own level matching. In both cases, we work closely with the firm to ensure the exercise is accurate and reflects the realities of the roles.

Each firm's roles may match across individual or multiple sub-levels of each main level – across 5 such levels there are a total of 15 sub-levels to match to.

Task and Responsibility-Driven Matching

Vencon Research’s methodology focuses on task and responsibility-driven matching to ensure roles are assigned to the correct level. Unlike time-based metrics, this approach aligns job matching responsibilities, ensuring that tasks, responsibilities, skills and competencies directly correspond to the actual requirements of each role. This leads to a more accurate and nuanced understanding of an individual’s contribution.

An accurate “job / role matching” requires a deep understanding of the varied competencies between the career levels in consulting.

Our criteria for each level are extensive, and build on a distinct understanding of differing tasks and responsibilities as a consultant progresses in their career from an Analyst via Principal (Consultant Salary Surveys) to a Primary Partner and further to a Senior Partner (Partner Salary Survey). At the entry level, Analysts focus on data gathering and analysis under supervision. As professionals advance to the Associate level, they engage more with clients and manage projects, requiring advanced analytical tools and leadership skills. Managers take on the first level of personal responsibility as well as full accountability for project deliverables and deepen their industry-specific expertise. Senior Managers oversee multiple assignments, guiding junior colleagues while managing profit and loss responsibilities. the final level within the Consultant Salary Surveys is the Principal level, those taken out of the “day to day” business and responsible for implementing the strategy decisions decided upon by the partners (Partner Survey).

An example of our level-related matching criteria detailing some primary attributes including responsibilities, in this case for Analyst and Associate.

A Commitment to Accuracy

Accurate job matching is more than just a technical exercise; it is the essential entry point to fair and effective compensation structures. When done right, it ensures that salaries align, first and foremost with actual job responsibilities, while also aligning with market standards, fostering a sense of fairness within the organization and beyond. This, in turn, helps retain top talent and positions the company as an attractive place to work.

For organizations, the benefits of accurate job matching are clear—ensuring competitive pay, maintaining internal equity, and supporting informed decision-making. By following principles such as focusing on tasks and responsibilities over titles, engaging in collaborative analysis with experts and keeping an eye on market trends, companies can create compensation structures that are not only fair but also competitive.

At Vencon Research, we place job matching at the heart of our benchmarking process because we believe that precision in this area sets the stage for everything else. By working closely with our clients and using a task and responsibility-driven approach, we help ensure that their compensation strategies are built on a solid foundation, enabling them to attract, retain, and motivate the talent they need to succeed.

An Invaluable Tool for Compensation Management

Salary survey reports are invaluable tools for compensation management. By understanding key indicators and leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can develop competitive compensation strategies that attract, retain, and motivate top talent effectively.

Find out more about Vencon Research's Consultant Salary Survey here.

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